Research Steering Committee
- Distinguished Prof. of Anthropology and Music, Steven Feld, University of New Mexico (see also here and Voxlox)
- Head of research and development, PhD Perttu Heino, Tampere University of Applied Sciences
- Prof. Yrjö Sepänmaa, Environmental Aesthetics, University of Eastern Finland
- Research Fellow Marketta Kyttä, Academy of Finland/Helsinki Technological University, Community Planning
- Prof. Pirkko Moisala, Musicology, University of Helsinki
- Professor Seija Ridell, School of Communication, Media and Theatre, University of Tampere
Advisory Board
- Professor Jean-Francois Augoyard, CRESSON
- Dr Angus Carlyle, CRiSAP, Univ. of the Arts London
- Dr, Research Coordinator Frans Mossberg, Listening Lund Institute
- Dr, Museum Director Giovanni Kezich, San Michele
- Professor Luigi Maffei, Built Environment Control Laboratory, Facoltà di Architettura Seconda Università di Napoli
- Director, Composer Albert Mayr,Time Design, Firenze
- Dr, Composer R. Murray Schafer, founder of WSP, Ontario
- Professor Keiko Torigoe, School of Creative and Cultural Studies, Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokio
- PhD, Docent Justin Winkler, Dept. of Geography, Univ. of Basel